In a move you might expect from a far right, semi fascist, state such as Russia or North Korea, the all-powerful Labour controlled Cabinet at Thanet District Council (TDC) has agreed to impose a draconian Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) across large areas of the district.
The Order aims to clamp down and control anti-social behavior and the consumption of drugs and alcohol and prohibits:
groups of 2 or more from being abusive, alarming, threatening, insulting, intimidating, harassing, distressing or otherwise causing a disturbance to other members of the public
anyone from using any public space, facility or installation otherwise in accordance with its intended use
anyone from excreting bodily fluids in a public space
anyone from consuming alcohol and behaving in a manner so as to cause nuisance, harassment, alarm or distress to another person or people
anyone from using legal psychoactive substances (drugs made to mimic illegal substances) in a manner which is likely to cause nuisance, harassment, alarm or distress to another person
Anyone who breaches the rules is liable to pay a fine of £60 within 14 days of it being issued, or £100 thereafter. If you don’t pay you can be dragged before the Magistrates and be criminalized and even imprisoned.
History shows the use of such orders almost always leads to those enforcing them abusing their powers to harass and criminalise some of the most vulnerable people in society such as alcoholics, drug users, people with disabilities or mental illness or homeless people sleeping rough.
All of these people are in desperate need of help and support, not bullying threatening, harassing, moving on or labelling as criminal and imposing fines they cannot afford to pay.
In a place such as Thanet where poverty and vulnerability is much higher than the national average, there can be no doubt whatsoever that those who fall within these categories will be disproportionately targeted and victimised by the enforcers especially if they are financially or otherwise incentivised to issue as many fines as possible.
It is also the case that PSPOs have been used to ban demonstrations and protests across the country and so extinguish the human right to assemble and campaign with others and freely express views.
Impromptu artistic events or musical performances etc. in
public spaces, which bring joy to many, especially in area which the Council markets as being a creative hub, could easily be caught up and become a victim of the Council’s PSPO.
The council claims that it will implement the new Order in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998 and will always seek to help and assist vulnerable people before taking matters further. But the Council does not specify how it will do so, or how it will ensure that those responsible for enforcing the Order will deliver these promises.
Bearing in mind the way the Council has for many years harassed, bullied and misapplied the law in relation to Gypsy, Roma, and Travellers, I for one have absolutely no confidence in the Council’s promise not to abuse its PSPO powers.
As a supporter of the highly respected human rights campaign group Liberty I share its view that:
Complex social issues like homelessness can’t be solved by criminal punishment. It is counterproductive and cruel to hit homeless people with fines they can’t possibly afford, and PSPOs simply fast-track people into the criminal justice system…. The Government must scrap the power to create PSPOs once and for all.
What disturbs me most about the Council’s PSPO is that it is being introduced by a Labour controlled council. Labour was founded on the principle of compassion and support for those struggling to get by and the freedom expression and assembly neccessary to make this possible.
Yet here we have the grotesque spectacle of a Labour Council led by PoundshopPutin wannabe Rick Everitt and his lickspittle Cabinet pals, who think that criminalizing the poor and vulnerable and denying freedom of expression and assembly is a jolly good thing to do.
Power gone to some completely daft TDC Cllrs head .. Why do they take the position of district Cllrs so they can make Thanet residents suffer . They need retraining to be taught that they have been elected to serve residents not try and ruin their lives .