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Granville Theatre Scandal: Untruths, Deceit, Threats.

Matt Milchard & the Tarjonami Sisters Credit Kentonline

The owners of Ramsgate’s Granville Theatre Matt Millchard and Zarah and Parisa Tarjomani are, in my opinion, being dishonest and untruthful with the people of Thanet about the sale of this much loved community entertainment centre.

Whilst claiming that the Granville is not currently for sale, I believe that the trio already knew that preparations to market the theatre with Lovett’s estate agency were well underway.

Clearly this would have been something they didn’t want to make public before they were fully prepared to ride out the public backlash and justifiable criticisms of uber-profiteering by selling off something they had bought from the Council less that a year before for £125k for the 1,100% markup of £1.5million.

What I have said is substantiated by the words of Milchard himself who stated on social media that Lovetts had made a mistake in publishing the Granville sale details. Clearly this means that he knew that preparations to market the Granville with the Lovett’s were under way or why else would he say the company had made a mistake in publishing the advert it he didnt know about any sale plans?

Their knowledge of the sale preparations also exposes Millchard’s misleading and frankly ludicrous social media comment that the Granville will never ever be sold! As it does the comments of Zara Tarjomani who said the advert was scam, when she more than likely knew all about the marketing activity taking placed around her.

To believe their misleading clap trap is to be taken in by deceptive, truth twisting, purveyors of snake oil which I believe Millard and Zara Tarjomani to be.

This leads me on to some very disturbing information which makes me think that Millchard and the Tarjomani sisters might not be the best people to have, in the parlance of Companies House “significant control”, over the Granville and that perhaps they are not the best managers in the world either.

Companies House records reveal that Millchard and the Tarjomani sisters own, and are directors of , a company called Under One Roof Kids (Canterbury) Limited which was a children’s nursery service provider.

Westwood One Theatre Limited which is the company which owns the Granville and which is also owned and run by Millchard and the Tarjomani sisters is a major shareholder in Under One Roof Kids (Canterbury) Limited, along with a company called Under One Roof (Franchising) Ltd which Millchard owns and controls.

In January 2023 Ofsted published an inspection report of Under One Roof Canterbury’s nursery services. The report concluded that on all inspection criteria the nursery was inadequate and that

leaders and staff do not have a secure and embedded understanding of safeguarding issues…. Children's safety continues to be compromised because not all staff understand enough about safeguarding to protect children from harm.

The Ofsted website states that the nursery is now closed down. However the site at which it was based continues to operate services for children and their parents.

Millchard is also a person of significant control at a company called Under One Roof (Kids) Limited which operates a children’s nursery in south east London.

When this nursery was inspected in January 2022 it too was found to be inadequate and in its latest Ofsted inspection the nursery was found to be in need of improvements. Hardly a good place to entrust the care of your youngsters to.

On the basis of the appalling and potentially dangerous states of the nurseries the trio own , and for which they are ultimately and personally responsible, I do not believe that Millchard and the Tarjomani sisters are fit to own and manage the Granville Theatre.

It is also the case that the companies which Millchard and the Tarjomani sisters are directors of, and have control over, owe large amounts of money to various creditors. Should these companies struggle and their loans are called in, it could be well be the case that the they are forced to sell the Granville to pay off the debts. If so, they already have a readymade sales brochure thanks to Lovetts.

One final thought I am amazed how Millchard and Zara Tarjomani have been able to get away with what I believe to be their dishonest and manipulative behavior.

They have cynically played upon the love people have for the Granville to generate a campaign of online hatred and nastiness against anyone who dare to raise questions or criticism of their management of the theatre. I also understand that they are issuing threats of legal action against some people too.

I am sticking by my account. It is not defamatory. It is an expression of my reasonable and honestly held belief which is based upon evidence in the public domain and information provided by others who I will not name.

Call Out. If you have any information about Matt Millchard, and the Tarjomani sisters in relation to the Granville Theatre or their other businesses please contact me on 07866588766 or . 100 percent confidential I never reveal my sources.



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